German B2 Course

Learn German in Berlin at Level B2

You have a solid knowledge of German and want to move on?
Then German B2 is your course of choice!

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We will get you fit for your career at the university, your challenging job or your life in Berlin.
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Learning, learning and even more learning

Because: good things take time!

And therefore our German B2 course lasts longer than any other intensive course before it. But if you want to study in Berlin or the German-speaking world, German B2 is usually the minimum requirement. And then, of course, it’s worth investing a little more time.

Into the strange realms of B2 German

B2 German – Putting butter on the fish!

In addition to the tangible, concrete topics of everyday life such as job applications and the world of work, the B2 German course is also increasingly concerned with more abstract areas such as science, history, art and culture. In connection with each subject area, the B2 intensive course in Berlin introduces you to an important German personality or institution, which naturally expands your basic knowledge of Germany, Europe and the world. The name Fatih Akin, for example, may not sound German to you at all. Nevertheless, it has become an indispensable part of the German film landscape – and, along with many other German-speaking people in public life, is new to the German B2 textbook Aspekte – neu. B2 from Klett-Verlag.

Info about our B2 German intensive course


B2-German Certificate after Exam (CEFR)


12 weeks
16 lessons per week
(Tuesday - Friday)

Course Times

09.15 – 12.30
13.15 – 16.30
17.00 – 20.15


298€ (4 weeks)
894€ (12 weeks)

Exam: 98€ (CEFR, internal students)
Exam: 138€ (CEFR, external students)

The intensive expedition of German Course B2 in Berlin

This will be a long, exciting and intense journey in Berlin. For three months you will travel with a small crew (on average 12 people) and your highly motivated teacher – the expedition leader – to explore and master the infamous depths and shallows of the advanced B2 German language. Four days a week, four school hours per day. Homework is of course also available in the B2 course, but the weekends are free. And you can be sure of one thing: Your German language skills will experience an enormous boost thanks to our German B2 intensive course!

If you want to prove your newly-acquired skills to yourself or others, you can, of course, register for an exam at the end of the German B2 course and receive an internationally-recognised certificate for B2 German. Or maybe the next expedition is already waiting for you: to Telc or TestDaF and thus on the way to the German university in Berlin or elsewhere.

Deep in the German B2 matter

Impromptu speaking plays an important role in the B2 German intensive course – after all, all of the new B2 vocabulary wants to be used! Even at level German B2, the best vocabulary won’t do you any good if it’s rusty. Give lectures, get involved in spontaneous discussions on hot topics in Berlin, and surprise yourself with all of the B2 German course skills that you have already learned. If you still feel very insecure about the German B2 oral expression, it might be worth taking a look at our conversation course. There is also a whole wagonload of new grammar available in the B2 German course. But don’t despair; of course you don’t have to memorize it all right away. New and old are repeated and practised again and again until they become second nature. Do you keep stumbling over the same problems in sentence construction despite your B2 German level? Then maybe our grammar course could be something for you!

Language level German B2

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages translates B2 German to “independent language use.” This means that you will be able to talk to native speakers about normal topics without causing you or your discussion partners major difficulties. After taking a B2 German course at the deutSCHule in Berlin, your grammar and vocabulary should have developed to such an extent that you can express yourself freely on abstract and more complex topics and make them clearly understood. You will also be able to fully understand texts on topics discussed in the B2 intensive course.

Furthermore, the language level B2 German can be divided into German B2.1, German B2.2. and German B2.3. Did you already take a B2 course a few months or even longer ago? Or was your last B2 course shorter than 12 weeks? Then you don’t have to start all over again but can join our intensive courses at B2.2 or B2.3. B2.3 is also a great place to start over for German C1.

Get ready! Sign up now!

Does this sound exactly like the German intensive course you were looking for?
Enroll on our German B2 Course online today!

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