The German A2 exam of the deutSCHule in Berlin
The A2 examination of the deutSCHule covers all competency areas of the German level A2 as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If you pass the Deutsch A2 exam at the deutSCHule in Neukölln, you will receive an A2 certificate which you can use to prove that you have successfully completed this level in Berlin. Above all, however, you can check whether you have learned sufficiently and thus find out whether your skills are appropriate for the A2 German level or whether you still have a little catching up to do here and there.
Our German A2 exam consists of four parts
A2 – Listening comprehension
The first part of the A2 German Examination of the deutSCHule in Berlin deals with the competency area of listening comprehension. By now you understand German quite well. You can follow short conversations and gather the most important information, at least when it comes to things concerning your immediate environment. When it comes to areas such as family, work or shopping, you can easily understand simple statements. If you have completed an A2 course in preparation for the A2 German exam, you should be able to pass this part of the test without a problem.
A2 - Grammar
The second part of the German A2 exam at the deutSCHule in Berlin revolves around German grammar. You don’t know the syntax perfectly yet, but it’s not as foreign to you as it was in the A1 course. By now you have developed a good understanding of the basic grammatical structures of the German language. In the A2 exam you can, for example, show how the connectors “and”, “but” and “because” help you to combine your sentences. Using subordinate clauses also makes it much easier for you to convey your thoughts.
A2 – Reading comprehension
Texts at A2 level usually don’t come from German bestsellers, but you can already understand simple children’s books by now. And your German vocabulary has, of course, increased considerably in recent months – especially if you have taken an A2 course with us as preparation for your German A2 exam. This means that even in written form you will have a good understanding of things that affect you personally, such as the description of a common situation in a family, at work or in the supermarket. You can also understand short descriptions of sites of cultural or historical interest. And that pays off, of course, not only when taking the German A2 exam at the deutSCHule, but also when your friends or parents come to visit you in Berlin.
A2 – Written expression
Most likely you already had to write a few texts at A2 level. Maybe you left a note for your parcel carrier or had to send the janitor a short message about the mould in the bathroom. Or maybe you wrote your German friends a funny letter from your last visit to your home country? Practice makes perfect, especially when it comes to the German written expression, and you will have the chance to prove your mastery in the German A2 examination at the deutSCHule in Berlin.
A2 German exam
If you have successfully passed the A2 German examination at the deutSCHule in Berlin, you have proven that you know the basics of the German language. This is definitely a great start and from now on it won’t get any harder to learn German. We promise you that! Now you should hurry up and find locals in Berlin to practice your new German language skills on.