telc exams in Berlin


This page informs you about the telc exams that you can take at the deutSCHule in Berlin-Neukölln, upcoming telc examination dates and how to best prepare for a telc exam.

Participating in a telc exam in Berlin is a major goal! Everything you need to know to register for a telc examination at the deutSCHule in Berlin can be found below. Just as everything you need to know if you want to pass the test. And how to prepare for it.

  1. What is a telc exam?
  2. Do I need a telc exam?
  3. telc German B2 and telc German C1 University: similarities and differences
  4. telc exams in Berlin: how to best prepare yourself

1. What is a telc exam?


A telc exam is a standardised German language exam. Standardisation means that it is held in the same way everywhere and at all times, so it makes no difference whether you took a telc exam five years ago or just last week. It also doesn’t matter whether you take this exam in Kabul or in Berlin.

This standardisation guarantees the quality of the telc exams. The quality is based primarily on two criteria. Firstly, telc examinations are objective. This means that the results of this German examination are as independent of the examiner’s subjective point of view as possible. Secondly, telc examinations are valid. This means that the results of these German language examinations are realistic.

The nonprofit company telc gGmbH is responsible for the contents and format of the test. But telc exams are carried out on different dates at various telc exam centres. One of the best telc examination centres in Berlin for taking telc examinations is the telc examination centre at the deutSCHule in Berlin-Neukölln. We have many years of experience in preparing for and carrying out all types of standardised German examinations. We know how to successfully pass a German exam and can help you to do it as well!

telc B1/B2/C1 Hochschule exam dates






Registration deadline for telc exams






Prices for telc exams 2024

B2 165 €

C1 175€

B1 175 €

B2 175€

C1 185€


* when booking a telc B2 or C1 preparation course

requirements for participation

German level

2. Do I need a telc exam?


If you want to prove that you speak German, you can, under certain conditions, do so with a telc certificate. You will receive such a certificate after passing a telc exam.

But there are so many telc exams! Which ones do I actually need? It all depends on what you want to achieve with the certificate and confirmation of your German language skills.

If you want to study in Germany, you have to prove your knowledge of the German language to be admitted to a university. This can be done in many different ways. One way is to take the examination telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule. Once you have obtained this telc certificate, you are exempt from the requirement to prove your German language skills and no longer have to provide it to the university! It is, however, important that you first ask the university where you want to study which German examination you need. telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule is not the right German exam in all cases.

3. telc German B2 and telc German C1 University


The two telc exams, telc Deutsch B2 and telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, take place regularly at the deutSCHule in Berlin-Neukölln. Both tests are, of course, similar. However, there are also clear differences.

The similarities can be found above all in the format. A telc examination always consists of a written part and an oral part. In the written part you have to pass tests on vocabulary and grammar, as well as on reading and listening comprehension. You will also have to prove that you can write a coherent and structured text. In the oral part, you demonstrate how well you can describe an event or a fact and how well you can take part in a discussion.

The differences between telc Deutsch B2 and telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule stem from the different levels. After all, the B2 level is an easier level than C1. This can, for example, be seen in the oral part of the examination. Anyone taking the telc Deutsch B2 exam must first relate something about a personal experience. This can be a journey, a film or something similar. Then you have to discuss the subject-matter of a text you have read and finally solve a problem together. So it’s about rather concrete topics.

In comparison, the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule exam is more abstract and more oriented towards the language used at the university. In the oral part of the examination, you first have to give a short presentation of a topic that is often related to education or upbringing. You then have to discuss the opinions of a more or less famous figure from the history of ideas and take a personal stand on the matter. In other words, these tasks are more intellectual.

4. telc exams at the die deutSCHule in Berlin Neukölln


If you want to take a telc exam, you should definitely prepare yourself well for it. German exams are usually performance tests. This means you don’t have to prove any theoretical knowledge. The decisive factor is your practical know-how. So you need to be able to speak German really well for your level to pass the telc B2 or C1 test. And that requires a lot of practice and goal-oriented training.

The second reason for conscientiously preparing yourself for a telc examination is the standardisation of the telc Deutsch B2 and telc Deutsch C1 tests. The standardisation not only guarantees the high quality of the telc examination, it also means there is a very specific level of expectations that you need to live up to. In order to pass the test, you need to be aware of these expectations. If you are not, then it is really hard to successfully pass the telc exam.

For this reason, the deutSCHule in Berlin offers special preparatory courses for the telc examinations. Our courses are led by highly-experienced teachers, who have all been granted a licence to carry out telc exams. If you take part in the course, you will get an in-depth understanding of the different tasks of the telc exam, the level of expectations set for them and strategies on how to solve them. In addition, you get to practice a lot and train in the various solution strategies under realistic conditions. Of course, you also get to take part in simulated tests.

These are the best possible premises for passing the telc examination. Sign up now for a preparation course!