Sponsorship for German courses

for refugees from Ukraine
Dear friends, cooperation partners and supporters,

We are die deutSCHule in Berlin-Neukölln. We are a private educational institute. Since our founding 10 years ago we have been teaching German to up to 750 international students daily, with the goal of preparing them to study at German universities.  

Many of our students, teachers, and workers are from Ukraine. On the 24th of February, our certainty and basictrust in our common ideals of peace, freedom, and self-determination were shaken.

In order to set a good example in these oppressive and overwhelming times, we decided to offer German courses at no cost for Ukrainian refugees, because what else can we do?

The need for and response to these courses was overwhelming. However, due to the costs involved, We haveunfortunately only been able to manage fund a part of the requests. 

In order to expand the reach of our undertaking, we would be so thankful if we could count on your support in theform of sponsorship. More accurately we are asking for a cost absorption for individuals to take part in ourcourse, or for their learning materials. Unfortunately, we will not be able to sponsor this action entirely on ourown for particularly long, given the difficult situation in the last two years.  

We offer a few ways to make it easy to show your support

35€ – Covers the costs for a set of books for a course participant   
246€ – Covers the costs of a 4-week course for 1 person 
492€ – Covers the cost of an 8-week course (i.e. A1-the most basic level) for 1 person or a 4-week course for 2 people 
738€ – Covers the cost of a 12-week course for 1 person or a 4-week course for 3 people 
984€ – Covers the cost of a 16-week course for 1 person (e.g. A1+A2, Beginners Levels) or a 4-week coursefor 4 people 
1.424€ – Covers the cost of a 24-week course (e.g. A1+A2+B1, Beginner to Intermediate) for 1 Person or a 4-week course for 6 people 
2.136€ – Covers the cost of a 36-week course for 1 Person (e.g. A1+A2+B1+ B2 Beginner to Intermediate) or a 4-week course for 9 people 
2.850€ – Covers the cost of a 48-week course for 1 person (A1+A2+B1+B2+C1, from complete beginner to an advanced language level,suitable to study at a University) or a 4-week course for 12 people 

To support this action, please donate your desired amount with the description ‘Ukraine’ to the following bankaccount:

die deutSCHule GmbH 

IBAN: DE38 1005 0000 6604 1092 49 

BIC: BELADEBEXXX  (Berliner Sparkasse) 

Intended Use Field: Ukraine 

For your contribution to our project, we will provide you with a tax-deductible receipt. These amounts listedabove are a guideline, but naturally, you should feel free to contribute any amount. Every contribution, no matter how small or how large, will help us in making this project a success and will help refugees from Ukraine feelcomfortable here in Germany. 

We have confirmation of support for this project from some of our business partnerships, such as Klett Publishing and Humboldt University of Berlin, in addition to donations from our friends and acquaintences.
Further information about the program can be found on our website under the link 


These German courses are beginning on the 21st of March and our first two courses are already fully booked, with 16 people in each course. In the first four days after making this announcement, we have already receievedover 150 requests for courses from Ukrainian refugees! The employees of the company and the students in theschool are also participating in raising money, they will be buying coffee and food vouchers from our Café for therefugee course participants. 


Thank you very much for your support. We will feature your name/your companies name in our social mediaaccounts unless you would prefer that we do not. 

Please feel free to forward this E-Mail to anyone who you think would be interested in contributing to this cause. 

Thank you, thank you so much.